LTER_monster2.m This m-file will create a giant (monster) matrix of annual data for LTER ADCPs, Tidbit temp loggers, CTD, VSF, and DFL instruments. The matrix is saved in both (.mat) and (.txt) formats MONSTER MATRIX COLUMN DATA DESCRIPTION INSTRUMENT (1) Matlab serial time (GMT) n/a (2) Year ADCP (3) Month ADCP (4) Day ADCP (5) Decimal Time ADCP (6:21) East Velocity 2m-17m bins ADCP (22:37) North Velocity 2m-17m bins ADCP (38:53) Mean Beam Intensity 2m-17m bins ADCP Note: Carpenteria uses half meter 2m-9.5m bins Note: bins near the surface may contain errors caused by reverberation (54) Temperature ADCP (55-57) Temperature (Top-Mid-Bottom) Tidbits (58-73) Percent Good, Field 3 ADCP (74) East Velocity (~4m depth) S4 (75) North Velocity (~4m depth) S4 (76) Depth S4 (77) Pressure CTD (78) Temperature CTD (79) Conductivity CTD (80) Salinity CTD(sal.m calc) (81) Density CTD() (82) Fluorescence DFL (83) VSF, 100 degrees VSF (84) VSF, 125 degrees VSF (85) VSF, 150 degrees VSF (86) Nitrate Nitrate sampler The required files in the root directory are: LTER_monster2.m load_ADCP.m tidbit_filter.m getdatayear.m LTER_monster2 is a function. Its input arguments are the site location and year for which you want to make a monster file. It needs to know which data files correspond to the desired location and year, so it looks for a log file. These log files are located in the data directory with the actual data files. .ssv files for tidbits, .mat files for ADCP data, .txt files for CVD data. The ADCP data is pre-processed with WinADCP to create a .mat file of desired variables. load_ADCP.m then creates a structured array of desired variables that are imported by this m-file. ADCP data are filtered and then interpolated onto a 20 min time interval. This m-file then imports desired Tidbit files using the function tidbit_filter.m which yields filtered time and temp vectors. These are then interpolated onto the 20 min time interval. Next the .txt files output from ctd_vsf_dfl_process2.m are interpolated onto the matrix. Finally the .txt files from the nitrate sampler are interpolated into the monster matrix. Initial program by Leah Ow on 02 Apr 03. total redo by Chris Gotschalk starting 16 may 03 to adapt to pisco data 7/24/03 modifications for LTER with Kyle Visin 2004.08.26 More modifications by Justin "Kyle v2.0" Pearson